SeeClickFix empowers residents to actively care for
and improve their neighborhoods.
Welcome to the SeeClickFix Challenge: Feb 8-21 on the Smarter Cities Scan
Smarter Cities asked if this great new service wanted to use our platform to share user suggestions and success stories on its citizen-powered service. So here’s the SCF challenge: over the next two weeks share your SeeClickFix story.
How can communities and towns put SCF to new uses. Got a question? Use the Ask feature and you shall be answered. Got something fixed via SCF? Post a story. Fixed something? Do tell.
Already have a Tumblr site? Tag your post “scfchallenge” and we can reblog your contribution straight into the collaboration.
About SeeClickFix. SCF enables anyone to:
- See - spot a non-emergency issue in your neighborhood
- Click - open a ticket describing the issue and what can be done to resolve it
- Fix - publicly report the issue to everyone for resolution
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